The DONOSTIA INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CENTER (DIPC) offers financial help for PhD students attending the 21st International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-21).

Students interested in applying for this financial help should submit an email to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before April 17, 2015 with the following information:

1) Name
2) email address
3) Institution
4) Name of the thesis supervisor
5) The reasons why the applicant is interested in attending the Conference
6) In the subject line please state "IISC21-PhD Financial Help - Your Name"

Additionally, the following documents should be attached to the email:

1) Letter of the thesis supervisor supporting the application
2) The abstract of the work that the applicant aims to present in the Conference
using the template that can be found here:
Please, indicate in the body of the message, whether the applicant wants to have his/her contribution to be considered for selection as short oral presentation.

The amount of the help will be fixed taking into account our budget and the total  number of applicants.